Daniele Montana Returns to Porn

gay porn performer Danele Montana
YNOT EUROPE – Good news for fans of the performer and bodybuilder Daniele Montana: The handsome young man has decided, after just over a year’s absence, to retrace his steps and resume his interrupted career as a pornographic actor.

Montana debuted in 2008 in the Lucas Kazan film Italians and Other Strangers, which won the GAYVN Award for Best Foreign Film that year. Montana starred in Daniel & His Buddies and appeared in Sex Excursions. Then he suddenly left the gay-porn scene. At the time, everyone assumed his disappearance from the public eye occurred because he began a relationship with an important man.

He did not appear on a stage again until this past summer, when he competed in the Mr. Gay Italy pageant. In October he re-emerged alongside Belgian actor Philippe Delvaux in the gay porn movie My Sister’s Husband.

Montana’s return particularly pleased the director who first cast him.

“Delvaux loves muscles, and Daniel was perfect for him,” Kazan said. “The performance of the two is truly unforgettable.”

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