Intermax Webmaster Meeting 2011 Coming Up

YNOT EUROPE – Active webmasters who are fond of traveling should mark April 15 and 16 on their calenders, because Intermax is inviting them to its popular annual webmaster meeting.

The event will take place in Pilsen as usual, a city which is always worth the trip. A tour of the beautiful, historic city aboard a rented tram is scheduled to take place Friday night. For the remainder of the conference, participants will be immersed in a busy schedule that includes presentations by Intermax personnel and other industry experts. The Intermax team will be available for individual and small-group workshops on both days.

The schedule leaves very little ground uncovered. Best of all, board and accommodations are provided as part of the package.

Space is limited and will be apportioned on a first-come, first-served basis. For information or to request a spot, email the coordinator.

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YNOT Admin wields his absolute power without mercy. When he's not busy banning spam comments to hell he enjoys petting bunnies and eating peanut butter. He recommends everyone try the YNOT Mail ( email marketing platform and avoid giving their money to mainstream services that hate adult companies.

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