The Art of the Blowjob

Camille Crimson

By Peter Berton

YNOT EUROPE – Blowjobs don’t get no respect. Or, in more polite terms, sites offering fellatio erotica tend to be promoted in the crassest and rawest of terms.

When one happens upon a site entitled The Art of Blowjob, one expects more of the same. But nothing could be further from the truth: Captured-on-video performances by the utterly delightful and gorgeous Camille Crimson are sensual, soulful and languid.

After resumed normal breathing, we took time to get to know the talented Ms. Crimson much better. Please tell us about yourself.

Camille Crimson: I’m a busty redhead and I give blowjobs on the Internet, but I’m more than that. I’m also the webmaster of my own site and a few others, so I code in my sleep.

When I’m not occupying myself online, I play guitar, piano and flute. I sing, I write music, I paint and I love to cook — especially French food. I’m quite a gamer. I play around with my Macs, I watch horror/zombie/sci-fi movies on TV and enjoy some nice red wine, a little whisky or a Guinness. I enjoy life!

So what is The Art of Blowjob?

The Art of Blowjob is my main website, which focuses entirely on giving sensual, skillful and beautiful blowjobs. It’s just my long-term boyfriend and I, so there’s a whole lot of very evident love and respect.

We aim to show a side to blowjobs which is not often seen, choosing to really emphasize the joy of giving pleasure. We also shoot in a very cinematic way, aiming to elevate porn to a symphony for the senses and still a very hot experience.

Why did you decide to create the site?

We love the kind of sex we have and we felt it was absent in porn, specifically in blowjob porn. But aside from our lofty ambitions regarding making beautiful, respectful porn that elevates the blowjob, we also just wanted to do what we love and take advantage of our natural passions. It couldn’t be a more perfect project for our blend of skills.

What is your personal attitude about fellatio? You certainly seem to see it as much more than just down-and-dirty sucking.

I absolutely love it! I think it’s an art and there’s a lot of skill involved, but it’s more than that. You need to be passionate about giving pleasure, which is what makes or breaks a blowjob.

What tips do you have for people when giving — and receiving — fellatio?

Aside from passion, I think communication and creativity are key. This means anything from asking what he wants to watching for physical cues of pleasure or discomfort and then adjusting accordingly. For the recipient, it means being clear about what works or doesn’t work, but also respectful of limitations and being patient while your partner learns about your body.

Creativity is just about looking at different sensations, parts of the mouth, parts of the body and coming up with different combinations and playing around with those combinations with different intentions, different rhythms, different speeds. It’s an evolution.

Are there differences between circumcised uncircumcised penises?

Aside from the foreskin, not much. It could be said that you might need to be a bit more delicate with an uncircumcised penis for reasons of sensitivity, but honestly, that differs from person to person regardless of whether or not they’re circumcised.

How has your website performed to date? What are your future plans?

It has been a dream. People have really warmed to it, showing that there is a need for more loving, beautiful, sensual porn.

We’ve been lucky to receive incredible awards and accolades, and we’ve been featured prominently by many world-class sites and publications. We just want to keep on going and making more and more beautiful porn.

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